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Generation of increasing light signals during the parametrical process on photo-integrated anisotropy

Liubov I. Vostrikova,1,2 1 Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia 2 Departments of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Informational Technologies
of NSUEM, Novosibirsk, Russia


The observation results of the generation of increasing light signals during the parametrical process on photo-integrated anisotropy are presented. The sufficiently big growth of the intensity of small signals of the basic frequency infra-red radiation with time (photo-stimulated amplification of light) has been detected in experiments with the influence on amorphous optical material by the weak probe radiation of the basic frequency in presence simultaneously the strong radiation of the second harmonic. Various modes of the amplification of light signals were investigated on preliminary created photo-integrated space-periodical anisotropy with different initial amplitudes. The results of the detailed studies of the generation of increasing light signals on photo-integrated anisotropy have been presented with demonstration of the investigated properties of the observed parametrical process in dependence on intensities of the pumping radiation, on polarization of the light signals, on the phase shifts and on the spatial distributions. Mechanisms of the occurrence of the parametrical generation process on photo-integrated anisotropy with the existence of the non-steady regimes of signal amplification are also discussed. The presented investigations may be interesting for the researchers in a spheres of photonics and micro-optoelectronics. The work was carried out as the part of tasks of the Russian State Project FWGW-2021-0012.


Vostrikova Liubov Ivanovna
Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS, Departments of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Informational Technologies of NSUEM


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