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Superresolution imaging based on high-refractive-index optical fiber bundles

G. M. Katyba1,2, M. Skorobogatiy3, N.V. Chernomyrdin2,4, A.N. Perov4, I.N. Dolganova4, D.G. Melikyants4 K. I. Zaytsev2,4 and V. N. Kurlov1

1Institute of Solid State Physics of RAS, Russia
2Prokhorov General Physics Institute of RAS, Russia
3 Department of Engineering Physics, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada
4Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Russia


During the past few years, we introduced different elements and instruments of THz waveguide and fiber optics based on sapphire shaped crystals [1–4]. Such crystals are fabricated using the Edge-defined Film-fed Growth technique in ISSP RAS. Recently, we developed a “THz focons”, [5] or bundle, based on the array of sapphire fibers with n>3, that capture the THz near-field with the resolution which overcome the Abbe diffraction limit. The parallel fiber bundle transmit the THz image from plane to plane with mean value of 0.53 λ of spatial resolution, while, at certain regions of the bundle, it is as low as 0.3λ [6]. The tapered high refractive index fiber bundle transmit the THz near field from sample to image plane with the resolution as high as 0.25–0.3λ and, then, scales it by a factor of 3 [7]. This makes possible to read out the THz near-field from the output facet of the bundle using conventional diffraction limited optics. Thus developed “THz focon” allows to overcome the Abbe diffraction limit and to perform the THz near-field imaging using common diffraction-limited lens- or mirror-based THz optics.

Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, project # 22-72-10033.

[1] IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology, 6(4), 576 (2016).
[2] Advanced Optical Materials, 6(22), 1800573 (2018).
[3] Progress in Crystal Growth & Characterization of Materials 67(3), 100523 (2021).
[4] Progress in Crystal Growth & Characterization of Materials 64(4), 133 (2018).
[5] Journal of the Optical Society of America 51(1), 32 (1961).
[6] Advanced Optical Materials, 8(18) 2000307 (2020).
[7] G.M. Katyba et al., Physical Review Applied (2022, accepted).

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Gleb Katyba
Institute of Solid State Physics of RAS


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