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Method for investigating the spatial correlation properties of stochastic wave field with a wide angular spectrum based on the correlation analysis of the realization of the spatial distribution of the complex amplitude of the field formed using numerical

Lyudmila A. Maksimova1, Natalya Yu. Mysina1, Vladimir P. Ryabukho1,2; 1IPTMU RAS - Separate structural subdivision of FRC "Saratov Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences", Saratov, Russia; 2Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia


In the work the method for investigating the spatial correlation properties of a stochastic wave field with a wide angular spectrum based on a correlation analysis of the realization of the spatial distribution of the complex amplitude of this field formed using numerical modeling is proposed and tested. A comparison of the results of determining the lateral correlation properties of a monochromatic field based on correlation analysis of modeled distributions of the complex amplitude of this field in its various sections with the results obtained on the basis of analytical formulas showed their very good agreement. Studies based on the proposed method have shown that the lateral spatial coherence – the form of the coherence function and the coherence length of a quasi-monochromatic wave field is determined by the value of the numerical aperture and the shape of its angular spectrum. The proposed method for investigating the correlation properties of stochastic wave fields with wide angular and frequency spectra based on computer modeling of spatial distributions of complex amplitudes of wave field realizations has shown its effectiveness and prospects for further development and using as an alternative or complement to a natural experiment. The distribution of the complex amplitude of the optical wave field with a wide angular spectrum of spatial harmonics has been numerically simulated at various intervals of variation of random initial phases of harmonics in the range from 0 to 2pi radians. The numerical correlation properties of the fluctuation components of the generated fields of disturbance in the transverse plane of the wave field are investigated. It is established that the length of the transverse correlation of field fluctuations does not change with a change in the interval of the initial phase difference.


Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Maksimova
IPTMU RAS - Separate structural subdivision of FRC "Saratov Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences"


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