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Possibilities of phase correlations for dimensional photo-integrated anisotropy micro-lattices

Liubov I. Vostrikova1,2; 1Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia; 2Departments of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Informational Technologies
of NSUEM, Russia


The correlations of the phase coincidences with a synchronization of an angular accuracy of the interacting light signals are important for a creation of the highly efficient optical elements and composite devices of miniature micro-optoelectronics, as well as bio-photonics. In this paper the possibilities of the phase correlations for obtaining the dimensional photo-integrated anisotropy micro-lattices by an all-optical poling, including the volumetric case, are considered. The analysis of some variants in linear or nonlinear conditions of the interactions of the light beams with radiations of certain frequencies on the photo-integrated anisotropy lattices with micro- and nano-periodicities has been proposed. The conditions for the synchronous phase-matched interactions on arising micro-lattices for a transformation of abstract frequency light radiation, as well as for a case of self-transformation of the frequency of falling light are considered. The potential possible variants for applications of lines in the visible and near infra-red regions are discussed. The presented investigations can be interesting for the researchers in teams of the photonics and micro-optoelectronics.
The work was carried out as a part of Russian State Task FWGW-2021-0012.


Liubov I. Vostrikova
1Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS 2Departments of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Informational Technologies of NSUEM, Russia


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