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Data of fully optical frequency doubling inside the volumes of glass plates

Liubov I. Vostrikova1,2; 1Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia; 2Departments of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Informational Technologies of NSUEM, Novosibirsk, Russia


Using of the synthesized volumetric optical glass plates are necessary for various areas of laser physics and photonics. In this work the comparing of data of fully optical frequency doubling inside the volumes of glass plates is presented. The peculiarities of the processes of light harmonic generation are discussed. The performed experiments shown that there are the sufficiently different efficiencies, up to some orders of values, for the generation of the nonlinear doubled frequency of light in the photo-induced micro-structures of the second-order susceptibility in different glass plates and synthesized samples. One of the basic task is the estimations of the writing times up to saturation and the lifetimes for the photo-induced micro-structures in different investigated samples and it also discuss in work. Thus, on a base of the obtained experimental results can be made the comparative analysis of influence of the concentrations of inserted chemical elements. Now the greatest obtained value of conversion efficiency in glass materials is about 0,0001 and it is more smaller than in nonlinear crystals. However, in future the photo-induced micro-structures of the second-order susceptibility may be used for creation of new broadband miniature sources of the nonlinear harmonics generation for micro- and may be for nano-optoelectronics, and in particular for bio-photonics, but the additional investigations must be performed for obtaining of the necessary efficiencies and more long lifetimes.
There is grateful to groups of the Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry and Vavilov State Optical Institute for offered some synthesized samples for investigations. The work was carried out as a part of Russian State Task FWGW-2021-0012.


Liubov I. Vostrikova
Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS and Departments of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Informational Technologies of NSUEM


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