Optoelectronic Properties of Van der Waals Heterostructures based on borophene, GaN, ZnO, ReSe2 and ReS2 monolayers
Michael M. Slepchenkov1, Dmitry A. Kolosov1, Kirill R. Asanov1, Olga E. Glukhova1,2; 1Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia; 2I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russia
The aim of this study is to analyze the influence of uniaxial and biaxial tension/compression deformation on the optical and optoelectronic properties of borophene/ReS2 borophene GaN and borophene ZnO van der Waals heterostructures.
Michael M. Slepchenkov
Saratov State University
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Egor Abarkin
What are the dimensions of the supercells of the heterostructures under study?
Michael M. Slepchenkov
The optimized values of the translation vectors of the supercell of the borophene/ReS2 heterostructure were Lx=6.485 ? and Ly=11.404 ?, for the borophene/ReSe2 heterostructure – Lx=6.553 ? and Ly=11.669 ?, for the borophene/GaN heterostructure they were Lx=10.05 ? and Ly =12.21 ?, for the borophene/ZnO heterostructure – Lx=9.83 ? and Ly=11.662 ?.
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