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Nanoantennas interfaces formation by laser micromachining of thin-film coatings

Ruslan V. Chkalov, 1 Darya G. Chkalova, 1
1 Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nicolay Stoletovs,
Vladimir, Russia


Nanoantennas are the optical equivalent of classical antennas used to receive and transmit information at radio and microwave frequencies. Like RF antennas, nanoantennas are capable of efficiently converting optical radiation into highly localized fields (receiving antennas) and reverse transformation (transmitting antennas). At the moment, a number of scientific papers have been published describing the successful use of elements. At present, nanoantennas are already successfully used in near-field microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The use of such nanoscale structures as biomedical sensors and high-resolution environmental control sensors is extremely effective.
There are many methods of micro- and nanoscale technologies for obtaining and processing thin-film elements. The indisputable advantage of thin-film technologies is their flexibility, which is expressed in the possibility of selecting materials with optimal characteristics and obtaining almost any required element configuration. In this case, the tolerances with which individual parameters are maintained can reach a few percent. The following types of metals are used as the material of the conductive layer of the substrate: gold, silver, copper.
In view of the foregoing, the most relevant solution to the problem of obtaining nanocircuit elements, in particular nanoantennas, is the use of femtosecond laser writing technology to form the topological structure of elements on the substrate surface. Selective laser ablation technology with ultrashort pulses offers an excellent solution for precision-controlled processing of thin film coatings and the formation of micro- and nano-sized features.

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Ruslan Chkalov
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nicolay Stoletovs


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