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Modelling of the polyester copolymers degradation in vitro detected by fluorescence and MRI

Astemir R. Likhov 1, Dmitry D. Demin3, Victoria V. Zherdeva 1*
1 RC of Biotechnology of the RAS, Moscow, Russia, *; 2- MIREA — Russian Technological University, Moscow, Russia.


Development of the methods for detecting the biodegradation of bioresorbable polymers in vivo are of great relevance and importance in the field of medical biotechnology. These polymers provide new opportunities to create innovative medical devices and drug delivery systems with better biocompatibility and controlled degradation.
The aim of our work was to simulate the biodegradation of ester copolymers in vitro for the subsequent translation of the developed approaches for in vivo using fluorescence and MR agents.
Copolymers were synthetized using 1,3-propandiol, 1,5-pentadiol, succinic acid and citric acid. Copolymers were marked with indocyanine green and magnetic resonance agent like Gd citrate complex .
The process of release of fluorescent and paramagnetic labels in vitro takes place in two phases: a) phase 1 - moderate yield of degradation products - with swelling of the copolymers and with a moderate rate of polymer degradation; b) phase 2 - fast release of degradation products - with a higher rate of degradation of polymers. It has been established that the release of the paramagnetic and fluorescent labels correlates with the change in the weihgt of the copolymers.
Thus, these this combined method is proposed to be used and tested in vivo in bimodal visualization by fluorescence and MRI.

This research was funding by Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation grant № 13.2251.21.0009 from 29.09.2021 (Agreement № 075-15-2021-942).

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Likhov Astemir
RC of Biotechnology of the RAS


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