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Multimodal study of the optical parameters of the murine mammary gland and a model mammary tumor ex vivo

Yury I. Surkov, 1,2 Isabella A. Serebryakova, 1,2 Ekaterina N. Lazareva,1,2 Mohammad Ali Ansari, 3 Elina A. Genina 1,2
1 Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia
2 Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
3 Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


In this study visualization of healthy murine breast tissues and tumors in vivo and optical parameters ex vivo are presented. As a result of the study the results of ultrasound examination (ultrasound) and optical coherence tomography (OCT) in vivo were obtained, and the phase refractive index was measured using a multi-wavelength Abbe refractometer ex vivo of healthy and tumor tissues. Based on the measured spectra of total transmission and diffuse reflection into the sphere, and the dispersion dependences of the refractive index of samples of healthy and tumor breast tissues ex vivo, the absorption coefficient and transport scattering coefficient were calculated using the inverse addition-doubling method. Raman spectra of these samples were also measured and analysed. It was found that during the development of a tumor, the structure of the breast tissue changes, which is detected by OCT, since the refractive index of the tumor tissue is lower than that of a healthy breast. On ultrasound scans, the tumor looks like an increase in the echo-negative area. In the tumor tissue, there is an increased content of water and proteins and a reduced content of lipids. Scattering of tumor tissue is much less than scattering of healthy breast tissue.
The reported study was funded by the grant of RFBR (#20-52-56005) and the grant under the Degree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 220 of 09 April 2010 (Agreement No. 075-15-2021-615 of 04 June 2021).


Yury I. Surkov
Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia


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