Study of the complexation reaction between substituted 6,6′-bis(diphenylphosphinoyl)-2,2′-bipyridyls and ions lanthanum
Tsagana B. Sumyanova, Nataliya E. Borisova, Аrina.А. Petukhova, Anna A. Kirsanova Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Chemistry, Moscow, Russia
It was found that in the solution for all lanthanide-ligand pairs, only one complex particle is formed with a metal-ligand composition one-to-one in acetonitrile (with a water content of 40±5 ppm) on a Hitachi U-1900 spectrophotometer. The stability constants of complexes were determined by spectrophotometric titration. The results were processed using the HypSpec2014 program.
Tsagana Sumyanova
Lomonosov Moscow State University
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