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Optical clearing of skin by CT and MRI agents in a wide wavelength range

Nikita S. Chikalkin1, Daria K. Tuchina,1,2,3 Natalia A. Shushunova,1
Alexander P. Savitsky,3 Alexei A. Bogdanov, Jr.3,4 Valery V. Tuchin1,2,3,5
1Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia; 2National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia; 3Federal Research Center of Biotechnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia; 4University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, MA, USA; 5Institute of Precision Mechanics and Control Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saratov,


One of the main problems of optical methods application in medicine is associated with the complex nature of the transfer of optical radiation into the tissues due to its significant redistribution along angular coordinates and a significant weakening of collimated beams when passing through the surface layers of biological tissues. Controlling the optical properties of biological tissues is one of the promising ways to solve this problem. In addition, it was recently shown that MRI and CT contrast agents serve as sufficiently effective optical clearing agents (OCAs) [1]. This technology is basically allows for multimodal imaging using a plenty of optical modalities, such as OCT, backscattering and fluorescence imaging, in combination with MRT and CT. However this prospective technology needs further development and improvement.
The study of the effect of contrast agents used in MRI and CT on the optical transmission and weight of the skin was carried out. Such agents as Gadovist, Magnevist, Dotarem and Visipague were used in the studies. The studies were carried out ex vivo using a USB4000 spectrometer and Shimadzu UV-3600 spectrophotometer. Samples of mice skin were taken, each sample was placed in one of these solutions: Gadovist, Magnevist, Dotarem, and Visipague, respectively. Before and after impregnation of samples by the OCAs, their thickness and weight were measured. Collimated transmittance and weight of skin samples were measured during immersion in agents by USB4000 spectrometer and electronic scales separately. The effectiveness of optical clearing of the skin, the degree of swelling of the skin were estimated. The transmittance and reflection of skin samples before and after immersion in agents were measured by Shimadzu UV-3600 spectrophotometer. The sufficient effect of optical clearing was obtained when using CT and MRI agents.

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Saratov state University


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