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3d printed system for rare objects magnetic separation from the bloodstream

Ilya O. Kozhevnikov, Oleg V. Grishin, Roman A. Verkhovskii, Daniil N. Bratashov
Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia


Our workgroup have recently developed SPIM-based flow cytometer for the detection of fluorescent-labeled objects in whole blood [10.1364/BOE.413845]. It was used to visualize, detect, and magnetically separate fluorescent-labeled objects without hydrodynamic focusing. The flow cell holder, the magnet shifting system and the camera filters system of developed flow cytometer was printed on standard FDM 3D printer. Here we have modified optical system by prism with printed clamping system to minimize coma effect in images. We also have modified the magnetic concentrator system to get magnetic field distribution more efficient for magnetic separation and use smaller permanent magnet in the system thus allowing to add whitelight source placement for the separation flow cell.

File with abstract


Ilya O. Kozhevnikov
Saratov State University
Saratov, Russia


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