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Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy of human serum

Sahar Z. Al-Sammarraie1,1 Lyuda A. Bratchenko,1, Elena N. Typikova,1 Peter A. Lebedev,2 Valery P. Zakharov,1 Ivan A. Bratchenko,1 1 Samara University, Samara, Russia, 2 Samara state medical University, Samara, Russia


Individuals with various diseases require regular assessments of their body functions, and the methods that are used are either difficult or inconvenient, as well as expensive. The goal of this work was to develop a technique of human serum analysis that is simple, reliable and fast, and based on a surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS).
In this study, serum samples from Kidney disease patients were examined using conventional Raman (CR) and SERS. For the (CR) method, test samples were dropped on a glass substrate covered with aluminum foil and dried at room temperature before measurement. For the preparation of SERS substrates. The nanoparticles solution was deposited on a slide covered with aluminum foil and dried at room temperature, then serum was dropped on the slide, the mixture was dried at room temperature before measurement. The experimental setup for serum includes a spectrometric system and a microscope. The serum sample was examined 15 times in the same position and condition and then examined for 5 different SERS substrates at 5 different spots to indicate the accuracy and stability of the Raman spectroscopy and the proposed SERS substrates.
The observed CR and SERS bands were analyzed. Several of these bands clearly stand out by the impact of the SERS technique such bands were undetectable by CR. The Enhancement Factor (EF) were also estimated,
The obtained results demonstrate that the proposed SERS technique is stable and has significant potential in clinical diagnosis applications.

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Sahar Z. Al-Sammarraie
Samara University


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