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Development of a nanostructured photosensitizing preparation based on Heracleum Sosnovsky extract.

Valentin P. Ageev, 1, Oleg A. Kulikov, 1, Vasilisa I. Shlyapkina , 1, Mikhail N. Zharkov, 1, Denis E. Jacobson, 1, Igor V. Mayev, 2, Nikolay A. Pyataev, 1.
1 National Research Mordovia State University
2 A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry


In this work, we have developed methods for the extraction, purification, qualitative and quantitative analysis of photosensitizing substances from Heracleum Sosnowskyi and a method for obtaining liposomes based on them. Photodynamic therapy is a promising direction in the treatment of oncological diseases of various origins due to its targeting. The use of nanostructured photosensitizers will reduce the number of side effects and increase its effectiveness.
Heracleum Sosnowskyi parsnip contains a large amount of furanocoumarins with a pronounced photosensitizing effect. The photosensitizing effect of furanocoumarins is the development of apoptosis of cells into which these substances have penetrated during UV learning with a wavelength of 360 nm. This effect can be used to treat infectious, autoimmune, and neoplastic diseases.
In our work, the source of obtaining furanocoumarins was the juice received from fresh leaves and stems of Heracleum Sosnowskyi collected during the flowering period. Chloroform was used as an extractant for the recovery of furanocoumarins from juice. The extract was purified according to Orlin's method and separated into fractions by gradient column chromatography using benzene and ethyl acetate in various ratios as eluent. The obtained fractions were analyzed by HPLC. As a result of this study, it was established that the main furanocoumarin in Sosnovsky hogweed is 8-methoxypsoralen content, which in our raw material was 1332.7 mg/l of juice.
We have developed a method for the synthesis of a liposomal photosensitizing drug based on 8-methoxypsoralen. Liposomes were obtained by hydration of a lipid film consisting of phosphotidylcholine and cholesterol in a 50: 1 ratio. The active substance was included in the lipid bilayer. 0.15 M sodium chloride was used as a hydrating solution. The resulting nanoemulsion was extruded using polycarbonate filters with a pore size of 400 nm. As a result, liposomes were obtained with an 8-methoxypsoralen concentration of 2 mg / ml and an average vesicle size of 219 ± 21 nm.

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Ageev Valentin Pavlovich
Laboratory of pharmacokinetics and targeted pharmacotherapy, National Research Mordovia State University, Saransk 430005, Russia. Email:


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