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Evaluation of the Elasticity of Porcine Iris Using Optical Coherence Elastography

Christian Zevallos-Delgado1, Taye Tolu Mekonnen1, Fernando Zvietcovich1, Manmohan Singh1, Salavat R. Aglyamov2, Kirill V. Larin 1.
1 Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Houston, 3517 Cullen Blvd., Room 2027, Houston, TX 77204, USA
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204, USA


The iris, an important organ in the ocular globe, is mainly anatomically divided into three main muscles (the sphincter, the collaret, and the dilator muscles). In-depth, the iris is divided into two layers, the stroma (which contains most of the vascular tissues) and the posterior layer (where the pigments are located, and it is composed of melanocytes and fibroblasts). Although several studies determined the elastic properties of the iris, using techniques such as Atomic Force Microscopy or Optical Coherence Tomography and using different subjects (animals and humans), the knowledge about the biomechanical properties of the iris muscles is limited. This work aimed to determine the elastic properties of the iris under different Intraocular Pressures (IOPs) using Optical Coherence Elastography and Acoustic Radiation Force (ARF) as the excitation source. Our experiments were conducted using ex vivo porcine eyes in different IOPs conditions (at No Artificial IOP – NAP, 5, 10, 20, and 30 mmHg) using the mechanical excitation of 1 kHz using ARF. The results showed a significant difference between the wave speed propagation in the semi-azimuthal orientation (~ 2.5 m/s) and radial orientation (~1.5 m/s). The results demonstrated that the different muscles of the iris showed differences in their biomechanical properties. Therefore, we showed the anisotropy and heterogeneity of the iris.

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Christian Zevallos Delgado
Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Houston
United States


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