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Synthesis of porous aluminum oxide structures modified with silver nanoparticles and study of their gas-sensitive properties in an atmosphere of ammonia vapors

I.N.Mikhailov1,2, M.Yu. Vasilkov1,2, I.D. Kosobudskiy1,2, N.M. Ushakov2.
1 Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu.A.,Saratov, Russia
2 Kotel'nikov institute of radio engineering and electronics of RAS in Saratov, Saratov, Russia


The method of synthesis of the PAO+Ag composite by electrochemical anodizing and magnetron sputtering was described. The synthesis parameters leading to the appearance of the phenomenon of interference on the surface of the sample were determined. The optical transmission of the obtained composites was measured in an atmosphere of NH3 vapors. It was found that in the course of the action of ammonia on the PAO + Ag composite, a shift of the interference maxima to the short-wave region by up to 14 nanometers is observed in comparison with the analogous value under the action of air. The replacement of ammonia with organic molecular volatile compounds did not reveal any changes in the interference part of the transmission spectrum, which indicates the selectivity of gas adsorption on the silver surface. This fact opens up the possibility of using our composite in devices for monitoring leaks and capturing ammonia in chemical and food enterprises.


Ilya Mikhailov
Saratov State Technical University named after Gagarin Yu. A


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