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Frequency-modulated normal modes of electromagnetically induced transparency

Oleg M. Parshkov, 1
Alexander A. Makoveichuk, 1
1 Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, Russia, Saratov, 410054,
ul. Politekhnicheskaya, 77


The results of a theoretical study of the evolution of electromagnetically induced transparency probe pulses with frequency modulation on the input surface of the active medium and possible frequency modulation of the control field are presented. It is shown that the presence of a suffi-ciently large frequency modulation of the input probe pulse with an instantaneous frequency offset of the order of an inhomogeneous line width resonant with the probe field does not lead to the destruction of the mode regime of propagation of this field inside the active medium. The transparency of the medium for the probe field is noticeably reduced, but it remains quite large. This conclusion is also valid in the case of pulsed phase modulation of the control radia-tion. The exception is the case of the same pulse frequency modulation of both input radiations. In this situation, the transparency of the medium is almost the same as in the absence of fre-quency modulation. With continuous frequency modulation of the control radiation, the mode regime of propagation of the prode field is realized at least as long as the deviation of the fre-quency of the control field is less than half the width of the line of the probe quantum transi-tion. However, the transparency of the medium for the probe field decreases in comparison with the case of the absence of frequency modulation. The analysis is carried out for the Ʌ-scheme of inhomogeneously broadened quantum transitions between the levels , and of the 208Pb isotope.


Oleg M. Parshkov
Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, Russia, Saratov, 410054, ul. Politekhnicheskaya, 77


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