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Estimation of the spectral optical properties of rabbit pancreas and brain cortex from the UV to NIR

Tânia Golçalves, 1 Hugo Silva, 1,2 Inês Martins, 2 Valery V. Tuchin, 3,4,5 Luís Oliveira, 1

1 Physics Department, Polytechnic of Porto – School of Engineering, Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida 431, 4249-015 Porto, Portugal
2 Center of Innovation in Engineering and Industrial Technology, Rua Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida 431, 4249-015 Porto, Portugal
3 Saratov State Univeristy, Saratov, Russia
4 Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
5 Institute of Precision Mechanics and Control RAS, Saratov, Russia


The knowledge of the optical properties of biological tissues in a wide spectral range is highly important for the development of noninvasive diagnostic or treatment procedures. The absorption coefficient is one of those properties, from which various information about tissue components can be retrieved. Using transmittance and reflectance spectral measurements acquired from ex vivo rabbit brain cortex and pancreas samples, allowed to calculate their optical properties in the ultraviolet to the near infrared spectral range. In addition to the identification of common tissue components, such as DNA, hemoglobin and water, an exponential decreasing baseline in the absorption coefficient spectra of brain cortex and pancreas revealed the presence of pigments. A further analysis on these spectra showed that these tissues contain both melanin and lipofuscin. Since the tissue samples used in the present study were retrieved from adult animals, the presence of these pigments is related to the ageing process of the brain and pancreas. The obtained results show that both tissues accumulate more melanin than lipofuscin and that the lipofuscin accumulation is higher in the brain cortex.


Luís Oliveira
Physics Dept., Polytechnic of Porto - School of Engineering


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