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Microscopic analysis of the structure of apples under storage conditions at different temperatures

Elena Vladimirovna Timchenko, Samara University, Samara, Russia
Lidiia Pavlovna Timchenko, Technical Lyceum named after S.P. Koroleva, Samara, Russia
Irina Viktorovna Kurbatova, Technical Lyceum named after S.P. Koroleva,Samara, Russia


The paper presents the results of microscopic analysis of the structure of apples under storage conditions at different temperatures. The experiments were carried out using a laser confocal fluorescence microscopy system based on an Olympus IX71 microscope and an ANDOR laser combine.
Apples of the "Simirenko" variety were used as objects of research. The apples were stored under different temperature conditions. All apples were divided into 3 main research groups: Group 1 - apples that were stored in a refrigerator (at a temperature of + 5 ° C); Group 2 - apples that were stored on a windowsill with a slightly open window (at a temperature of + 13 ° C); Group 3 - apples that were stored at room temperature (+ 25 ° C).
As a result of the experimental studies using microscopic analysis, it was found that with improper storage of "Simirenko" apples at temperatures higher than +5 ° C, internal structural changes occur, which are manifested in a change in the shape and number of cells, which is apparently due to the fact that, if stored incorrectly, protopectin is hydrolyzed to pectin, as a result, the pectin content increases, and the strength of the pulp, which depends on protopectin, decreases. It has been established that apples of the "Simirenko" variety must be stored at a temperature not exceeding +5 ° C.

File with abstract


Elena Timchenko
Samara University


File with report


Tumskaia А.V.
What other methods are there for these purposes?
Elena Timchenko
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