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Tunable Parametric Up-Conversion of Mid- to Near-Infrared Using Multimode Resonance Regime in Nonlinear Graphene Metasurfaces

Lerer A.M.(1), Makeeva G.S.(2), Cherepanov V.V.(2)
(1)Faculty of Physics, Southern Federal University, 5 Zorge Street, Rostov-on-Don, Russia 344090;
(2)Dept. of Radioengineering, Penza State University, 40 Krasnaya Street, Penza, Russia, 440026


The possibility of the tunable up-conversion of mid-infrared (MIR) to near-IR (NIR) wavelengths via the parametric nonlinear wave-mixing in the graphene nanoribbon metasurfaces are investigated using the developed mathematical model and numerical approach to solve the nonlinear boundary problems. First, we designed the linear spectral properties of graphene nanoribbon metasurfaces to support resonances of surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) modes in the MIR range by choosing the pump and signal wavelengths equal to resonant wavelengths of the fundamental and high order SPP modes. The results of numerical simulation of spectra of the upconverted nonlinear emission, i. e. the intensity of the parametric emission at the combination frequency f3 = 2f1 + f2 in the forward (transmission T3) and backward (reflection R3) direction in the NIR range for various values of chemical potential µс in the graphene nanoribbon metasurfaces are obtained. It is shown the enhancement of efficiency of up-conversion of MIR to NIR wavelengths by several orders for the optimal value of the chemical potential when the graphene nanoribbon metasurfaces are resonantly excited at SPP mode resonance wavelengths by the signal and pump waves.

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Vladimir Cherepanov
Southern Federal University


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