Collective Phenomena In Visually Induced MEG Signals Of The Human Cerebral Cortex
Oleg Y. Panischev, 1, Sergey A. Demin, 1, Ruslan R. Latypov, 1
1 Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia
In paper, we use Memory Functions Formalism (MFF) to analyze the induced neuromagnetic signals from frontal and occipital areas of healthy people. To determine the areas whose interaction for blue-green and red-green visual stimuli differs most strongly, we use the memory functions power spectra and the non-Markovian parameter. Also we study the structure of the phase portraits of dynamic orthogonal variables. Thus we have carried out a classification of collective phenomena in the induced neuromagnetic signals at healthy people and have provided an opportunity for a deeper understanding of the processes of the spread of excitation in the cerebral cortex at visual stimuli.
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Oleg Panischev
Kazan Federal University
Russian Federation
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