Detection of acute myeloid leukemia marker c-Kit using fluorescent stem cell factor
Varvara Y. Maiorova 1, Alexandra V. Posvyatenko 1, Marina I. Lukashina 1, Elena Y. Lyssuk 1, Alexander M. Popov, 1, Michael A. Maschan 1, Alexey V. Kibardin 1, Sergey S. Larin 1
1 Dmitry Rogachev National Research Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology
SCF cytokine was conjugated to FITC fluorochrome (SCF-FITC) in order to analyze the functionality of tyrosine kinase receptor c-Kit. We demonstrated that the conjugation did not affect specific biological activity of SCF. We obtained staining patterns of tumor cell line TF-1 and normal donor T cells using labeled SCF-FITC and commercially available anti-c-Kit-PE. We state, that fluorescently labeled SCF-FITC can be used to detect its functional receptor c-Kit.
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Varvara Maiorova
Dmitry Rogachev National Research Center of Pediatruc Hematolody, Oncology and Immunology
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