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Sapphire-fiber lens: simulation vs. experiment

N.V. Zenchenko (1 ,4), I.A. Glinskiy (1), D.V. Lavrukhin (1), G.M. Katyba (2,3),
E.V. Yakovlev (4), K.I. Zaytsev (2,4), and D.S. Ponomarev (1,2)
1– Institute of Ultra High Frequency Semiconductor Electronics of RAS, Moscow 117105,
2 – Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
119991, Russia
3 – Institute of Solid State Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka
142432, Russia
4 – Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow 105005, Russia


In this work, we report on a sapphire fiber-lens that can be used to improve the performance of the PCA-emitter. Thanks to the dielectric nature of the lens and the high refractive index of the sapphire fiber in a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum [1], it is possible to reach high optical contrast on the fiber/semiconductor and fiber/air interfaces.
Using numerical analysis, we showed that the lens provides a spatial distribution of the photocarriers in the PCA’s gap as well as the formation of subwavelength-size areas with a highly localized density of the photocarriers. Depending on the diameter (d) of the sapphire fiber, we demonstrate that the photocarriers can be predominantly concentrated in the vicinity of the PCA electrodes resulting in a 7-fold optical enhancement for d = 220 µm compared to the PCA without the sapphire-fiber lens. To mount the sapphire-fiber onto the PCA’s surface with high precision, we developed an experimental setup utilizing two independent manipulators and a probe analyzer. The lens with the PCA-emitter was then used in a laboratory time-domain spectrometer for experimental characterization.

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Nikolay Zenchenko
IUHFSE RAS, Bauman Moscow State Technical University


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