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Particle-resolved study in colloids with tunable interactions: from fundamental research to practical applications in medicine and biology.

Sofia A. Korsakova, 1 Egor V. Yakovlev,1 Nikita P. Kryuchkov,1 Stanislav O. Yurchenko,1
1 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU), Moscow, Russia


External rotating electric fields make it possible to induce long-range and many-body tunable interaction between particles of colloidal systems. External rotating electric fields make it possible to carry out various manipulations with different types of particles of colloidal suspensions, including biological objects. The ability to control interactions between biological cells and carry out their self-assembly in external rotating electric fields can be applied in novel diagnostic methods, in the lab-on-chip or organ-on-chip concept, in 3D-bioprinting technologies.
In addition to promising applied applications, colloidal systems in external rotating electric fields are an excellent model system for studying fundamental phenomena, like phase transitions, in crystall. Crystalline structures are widespread in nature, both living and non-living. Therefore, understanding the processes occurring in crystal structures is important both from the point of view of studying fundamental phenomena and from the point of view of applied applications.

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Sofia A. Korsakova
Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU), Moscow, Russia


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