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Spin-wave transport in waveguides with broken translational symmetry in multilayer magnon structures

Martyshkin Alexandr 1, Beginin Evgeniy 1, Sadovnikov Alexandr 1

1. Saratov State University


The study of wave processes in magnetic materials has been one of the most important areas of condensed matter physics and spin-wave electronics since the prediction of the existence of magnons and their collective excitation - magnetostatic spin waves (MSW) [1]. Along with the development of the theory of ferrites, progress in technological processes for the manufacture of thin magnetic films made it possible to design and create micro- and nanostructured surfaces. One of the key problems in the development of spin-wave devices is associated with the damping of magnetostatic spin waves. Magnetic dielectric, yttrium iron garnet (YIG), has the lowest damping, which makes it possible to have an MSW propagation length sufficient to create various magnon devices [2]. In this work, using micromagnetic modeling and Mandelstam-Brillouin spectroscopy, we demonstrated the features of the propagation of MSWs in a connector structure consisting of three microwave guides articulated orthogonally schematically shown in Fig. 1. On the basis of YIG microwave guides, it is possible to create devices for signal processing - magnon networks in which logical operations are based on the principles of spin-wave interference [3]. The connector is formed by three rectangular microwaves, w = 500 μm wide and t = 10 μm thick, orthogonally joined together. The length of each section is l1 = l2 = l3 = 2000 μm. The connector sections are orthogonally articulated and can be represented as an articulation of two partial systems - L-shaped orthogonally articulated microwave guides in the planar (AB) and vertical (BC) directions. Such a configuration of microwave guides and external magnetic field H0 allows propagation in section A - MSSW, and in sections B and C - MSSW.

This study was supported by the Russian Science
Foundation (grant no. 18-79-00198), Russian Founda-
tion for Basic Research (grant no. 18-37-20005), and
grant no. MK 3650.2018.9 of the President of the Russian

1. F. Bloch, Z. Phys, 61, 206-219, 1930.
2. A. G. Gurevich, G. A. Melkov, Magnetization Oscillations and Waves, CRC-Press, London, New York, 1996.
3. A. V. Sadovnikov, E. N. Beginin, S. E. Sheshukova, D. V.Romanenko, Y. P. Sharaevsky, and S. A. Nikitov, Appl.Phys. Lett.107, 202405 (2015).


Alexandr Martyshkin
Saratov State University


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