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Framework of phenomenological models: quasiparticle properties

C. Y. Lin and M. F. Lin, Physics department. NCKU, Taiwan


The rich magneto-electronic properties are able to greatly diversify optical and transport properties. After the incidence of an electromagnetic wave, the vertical optical excitations are generated through the perturbation of an electric dipole moment. The coupling effects of dynamic charge screenings and magetic quantization are fully explored through the direct combination about the gereralized tight-binding model and the linear Kubo formula, mainly owing their same bases [Refs]. Since the magneto-electronic wave functions might possess the spatial symmetri/anti-symmetric probability distributions, the difference of quantum number between the initial and final LLs exhibits a specific rule. The normal, extra and vanishing selection rules are predicted to be, respectively, revealed by the well-behaved, perturbed and undefined LLs [Refs]. The similar scattering events are responsible for the main features of quantum Hall effects in layered graphenes. Monolayer, bilayer sliding systems, and trilayer AAA, ABA, ABC $\&$ AAB stackings, have clearly shown the specific non-integer conductivities, the integer ones with the different step structures, the splitting-induced reduction and diversity in electrical conductivity, a zero or non-zero conductivity at the Dirac point, and the well-like, staircase, composite, and irregular plateaues under the magnetic-dependencies. Such stacking- and layer-number-dependent characteristics arise from the above-mentioned LLs. The other group-IV and group-V 2D materials are also predicted to exhibit the diverse quantization behaviors [details in books].


Ming Fa Lin
Physics department. NCKU


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