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Ultra-weak UV-chemiluminescence of blood and its quenching in cancer diseases (an overview of experimental and clinical data and prospects of verification)

E.V. Naumova
Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, 13, Acad. Lavrent’ev Avenue, 630090, Novosibirsk, Russia


Ultra-weak photon emission of blood in UV-range was actively studied in 1927-1948 years within the scope of works on mitogenetic effect (stimulation of mitoses with weak ultraviolet radiation). Spectral analysis demonstrated that blood of healthy humans and animals emitted photons mainly due to the glycolytic processes. At the earliest stages of malignization and any localization of tumor the blood radiation was found to cease [1], because a highly specific peptide or a group of similar peptides quenched the UV-chemiluminescence. This substance was called a cancer quencher, its physical and chemical properties were described in details [2]. Possibility to use a blood peptide as a highly-specific tumor marker was claimed about 30 years before the alpha-fetoprotein and this statement was revolutionary for the 1930s. Cancer diagnostics based on the cancer quencher detection was successfully tested in the leading clinics of the USSR in 1940-s and demonstrated the specificity and sensitivity >95% in thousands of cases. In spite of the positive conclusions of oncologists, the further researches were stopped because of the persecution of the mitogenetic researches altogether with genetics in 1948 [3]. Most of the results on this diagnostics were published only in Russian and remained unknown abroad. They were neither proved nor disproved later. Verification of the claimed cancer diagnostics is promising for the early cancer screening, estimation of efficacy of medical treatment, and prognosis of metastases.
The experimental and clinical data on cancer quencher are overviewed and analyzed and up-to-date technical possibilities of their verification are discussed in the report.
1 Gurwitsch, L.D., and Salkind, S.: ‘Das mitogenetische Verhalten des Bluts Carcinomatoser’, Biochemische Zeitschrift, 1929, 211, (1-3), pp. 362-372
2 Gurwitsch, A.G., Gurwitsch, L.D., Zalkind, S.Y., and Pesochensky, B.S.: ‘The teaching of the cancer quencher: Theory and clinics (in Russian)’ (USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Press, 1947)
3 Naumova, E.V., Naumova, A.E., Isaev, D.A., and Volodyaev, I.V.: ‘Historical review of early researches on mitogenetic radiation: from discovery to cancer diagnostics’, Journal of Biomedical Photonics & Engineering, 2018, 4, (4), pp. 040201


Elena V. Naumova
Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS


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