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Mitogenetic effect (stimulation of mitoses with ultra-weak UV-radiation) and its applications to cancer research and diagnostics

I. V. Volodyaev (Biological faculty, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, GSP-1, 1-12 Leninskie Gory, Moscow 119991, Russia)
E.V. Naumova (Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Russian Academy of Science, Siberian Branch, 13 Lavrentiev av., Novosibirsk 630090, Russia)


Mitogenetic effect (stimulation of mitoses with ultra-weak UV-radiation) and its applications to cancer research and diagnostics

I. V. Volodyaev (Biological faculty, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, GSP-1, 1-12 Leninskie Gory, Moscow 119991, Russia)
E. V. Naumova (Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Russian Academy of Science, Siberian Branch, 13 Lavrentiev av., Novosibirsk 630090, Russia)

The phenomena of endogenous radiation of biological systems and mitotic rate stimulation with ultra-weak UV-radiation (mitogenetic radiation and mitogenetic effect, later on MGE) were discovered by A.G. Gurwitsch in 1923. MGE was observed in microbe and cell cultures, and tissues (>700 publications in 1923-1948). The study of cancer cells and early cancer diagnostics with >95% specificity and sensitivity (according to the ample clinical data of the leading medical institutions of the USSR gathered in 1940s) were the most developed practical applications of MGE. Later, MGE researches were interrupted and abandoned mainly due to historical reasons and a few influential negative publications. Many conclusions made in experiments on MGE (existence of tumor peptide markers in blood, photo-reactivation, anti-Stokes luminescence, free-radical mechanism of ultra-weak photon emission etc.) were proved to be correct and much ahead of their time, however, the phenomenon itself remains an unresolved problem in both fundamental and applied biology till present. Further experiments on the subject were rather sporadic and gave no final proof or disproof of the key results of 1923-1948. Verification of MGE experiments with the use of present-day techniques, knowledge and level of evidence is very promising both for basic science and practical applications and requires a thorough revision of early publications.
Here we briefly review the key experiments, present a critical analysis of methodical aspects of the positive and negative works on MGE, try to sum up the most essential recommendations for reproducible and valid observation of MGE free from spurious artifacts on the basis of the relevant literature and practical experience of one of the authors (IV), and discuss prospects for the verification of MGE and the cancer diagnostics. Our review covers both published and unpublished materials from the unique archive on MGE research collected by A.G. Gurwitsch and his scientific dynasty.

1. A. G. Gurwitsch, L. D. Gurwitsch, Mitogenetic radiation (in Russian). (VIEM publishing house, Leningrad, 1934).
2. A. G. Gurwitsch, L. D. Gurwitsch, Mitogenetic radiation: physical and chemical bases and applications in biology and medicine (in Russian). (Medgiz, Moscow, 1945), pp. 284.
3. I. V. Volodyaev, L. V. Beloussov, Revisiting the mitogenetic effect of ultra-weak photon emission. Frontiers in physiology 6, 1 (Sep, 2015).
4. E. V. Naumova, A. E. Naumova, D. A. Isaev, I. V. Volodyaev, Historical review of early researches on mitogenetic radiation: from discovery to cancer diagnostics. Journal of Biomedical Photonics & Engineering 4, 040201 (2018).
5. Ultra-weak photon emission from biological systems: endogenous biophotonics and intrinsic biological luminescence (in print). Eds: E. van Wijk, M. Cifra, I.V. Volodyaev, and Yu. A. Vladimirov (Springer, 2020).


Elena V. Naumova
Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS


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