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Nanoporous SiO2 based on annealed artificial opals as a favorable material platform for terahertz optics

Vladislav E. Ulitko [2], Arsen K. Zotov [2], Arseny A. Gavdush [2,3], Gleb M. Katyba [2,3], Gennady A. Komandin [1], Igor E. Spector [1], Vladimir N. Kurlov [2], Vladimir M. Masalov [2], and Kirill I. Zaytsev [1,3,4]

[1] - Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 119991, Russia;
[2] - Institute of Solid State Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka 142432, Russia;
[3] - Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow 105005, Russia;
[4] - Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Sechenov University, Moscow 119146, Russia;


In this work, we studied new porous material, which is based on artificial opals, made of 300-nm-diameter nanoporous SiO2 globules and annealed at different temperatures in the range of 200-1500°C, as a prospective terahertz (THz) optical material. It was demonstrated experimentally that the THz optical properties of such material can be varied in a wide range (e.g. its refractive index varies from 1.65 to 1.95) by annealing, being a function of the total material porosity. Additionally, this material has a rather low THz absorption coefficient (by field), which decreases from 10 to 1 cm-1 with increasing annealing temperature. Based on the Bruggeman effective medium theory, the practical model was introduced to predict the optical properties of the considered material as a function of the annealing temperature. A wide tunability of refractive index and a low-to-moderate THz-wave absorption, make the discussed nanoporous SiO2 a promising THz optical material [1].

1. V.E. Ulitko et al., “Nanoporous SiO2 based on annealed artificial opals as a favorable material platform of terahertz optics”, Optical Materials Express, 10(9), 2100-2113, 2020, DOI:10.1364/OME.402185.


Vladislav Ulitko


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